“2007 Mid Year Wrap-Up”
Seven is my lucky number. There was a reason, and it was definitely just not a random selection. To me, sEven is significant almost everything. For example, in Islam, there were 7 layers that perform this atmosphere. 7 is the total “ayat” in surah Al-Fatihah. For techy world, there are 7 layers in OSI model, In casinos, the line 7-7-7 (triple seven, not seven hundred seventy-seven) is a common winning line on slot machines. In our day life, it has 7 days a week, but when people ask me why I choose this number, I reply back “It was the number of Eric Cantona’s jersey”. To tell you the truth, Cantona was the 1st football player I know since him wearing the no. 7. I never like football anyway. By giving such an answer, people will stop asking for more explanation and I can save my breath for others. So, suppose to be 2007 was my lucky year but it seems that luck is not on my side.
I was a man that lives with principal. To me, as long as it doesn’t breach the border, you are free to go. Maybe this stuff known as “Bullshit” to the ladies, but no offences, that is the reason, why ladies can’t lead. Maybe most of the man will agreed with me. Man that like to watch “Godfather & scarface” type of movie. Man that will see black as a black and not pretend that as a white. Man that has a gut to step up for what he believes it’s truth. Man that doesn’t afraid to the commitment. Man that we can call the
Why? It was because last night was the night that I been afraid of. The night that I loose my judgment as a man. As a wise man. Why? Because last night was the night that my level of frustration, anger and hate are beyond limits. Never felt this way before and it fucking hurts. Last night was the night that I felt all those principal are bullshit. All the ethics are nonsense.
Well, below are the mid year wrap-up for my so-called “lucky” year:
a) Love life: Things start quite smooth in the beginning of the year, but become a bit shaky in the middle. It felt like you riding a bike on a long road. It was a fun ride at 1st. The ride was smooth in the beginning but suddenly, I’ve passed by a bumpy road. Decided to continue the ride, I began to handle the bike with care. While playing with the throttle and done some balancing, I kept on going and hoping this bumpy road will turn to a smooth sail road. But until now, it still bumpy and seems to getting worst. Don’t know what went wrong. As rider of the bike, you will use all the skills that you have to make it works. That’s for sure. But remember, it was not an easy task, and of course, a right hand of co-rider is important to make the mission success. Last but not least, Gods will. But, honestly, now I’m confused about all this. Don’t know what to believe anymore.It seems that hope will be remain as hope.
My mother used to say, “If God says that it does belong to you, at the end of the day, it will come as God’s plan. Just have some faith”. Mom, thanks for the advice. You are the best mom in the world.
b) Brothers: Being the only man in the family, this brotherhood spirit is important to me. I used to have a lot of friends that I called brothers. I repeat, “I used”. It was my high schools friend. Batch of Meranti. 10 years ago, almost every members of Meranti would sacrifice for each others. Blood in, blood out. Almost 100 plus of us. We shared tears and joy together. Food and pillow together. But now, Batch of Meranti is dead. I repeat, DEAD. Hard to believe but that’s the truth. The spirit slowly fades away. This year supposed to be our 10 years of gathering but I don’t know if It will happened as it should be. Deep down inside, I still hope this 10 years get together will be time to remember.
c) Career: I think I’ve been cursed. Currently, it is my 4th job. All previous company and even the current company I work and used to work end-up either “bungkus” or having a bad financial crisis. I realize, it was a business nature, but what the fuck! Don’t let other people pay for your own mistake. My salary has been overdue about 2 months. Why I didn’t quit and start looking for other job? Because this is the only company (that I used to work) that gave a bunch of knowledge. However, every living thing on earth has it owns limit. Currently, my indicator almost reaches the max level. Almost. Just wait for a few weeks and see how.
d) Business: This is only thing that going quite well. Alhamdullilah. Thank God. The opportunity keep coming in and sometime I have to say no. My hands are full. I barely sleep. However, live must go on. All this is my preparation for end of the road. Hopefully.
Now, I still try to strength up here and there. Try to stick back to what I believe and hopefully, when year 2008 comes, 2007 will end as my lucky year.
At 8:48 PM ,
Passionnista said...
lady don't lead?
where did u get tht story.
way back in early Islam year,
woman lead their team in battle.
its the man nowadays that are lack of leadership.
real leader believes everyone is a leader in their own territory,not everyone can handle the same thing.
real leader don't work by themselves.
still true,woman intact with their emotions far more than man.which is why man are heartless sometime.
see..thts the beauty of the creation of both gender.
filling each other's lacking.
but tht doesnt mean..woman cant be heartless and man cant be sensitive.
in the end,the yin and yang of an individual equals to one.
we can do whatever we set our mind and will to it.
no matter the gender we are.
there..some perspective.
p.s:im in malaysia now.
take care!
At 4:16 PM ,
vCoke said...
"lady don't lead?
where did u get tht story.
way back in early Islam year,
woman lead their team in battle."
come on capulet, please give me one name. Just one name that show the greatest woman leader until now. Yes, there's been a woman leader, but was she a true/quality leader?
Why god make man the leader of his family? why not woman? I admit, there is a few women/ladies leader.I'm not trying being male activist here but please look back what she've done? Remember this, "the end that justify the meaning". That's why i wrote women can't lead, not women don't lead.
"real leader believes everyone is a leader in their own"
Another, come on capulet. Ask yourself, if person like Mr. bean is a leader, will you gave the Presiden post of your country to him?
No offense dude, but i respect your op but i still stand on my own, coz to me not everyone was born to be a leader and especially women.
Thks for the thought though.
At 7:52 PM ,
Anonymous said...
hey dont worry abt it.
a response is predictable.
a good debate from my stand and yet somehow a fix stand from yours.
pointing out tht u say not a single woman in the planet,was never a true/quality leader?
name?well..NZ prime minister,Helen Clark,Oprah,countless single moms and names of woman in charge of woman group in war especially now in Islam country in war,where man kills and woman suffer.the luckier ones,stands up.in which ive read abt them,but none tht i recall the specific name like the league of Hitler,Bush and Muhamad himself.
and yeah...all leaders are men which you call.a true/quality leader in your definition.
all i see in the typical Big Question is how men interprets the basic outline of Islam.
That men lead.
And you all simply do is agreeing without thinking..what it really meant.
So lets dig shall we?
What does the phrase
"Men leader of the family" means?
1. Is men suppose to lead and woman follow?
Think.Allah gives 'akal' to humans.Not specific..to men/woman.
Like i pointed out,not all men can lead..thus..Facts-->
there are women who CAN lead better than some of men who isnt cut out for it.
Facts-->there are Mothers who provide& disciplines for their family,and the Fathers cant even take care of themselves.
2. Why 'Men' stated to lead?
Allah is all about Fair.
There is no way he would put another Big Duty alongside giving birth.
It isn't humanly impossible for Allah to state men/woman can lead,but to be fair.Allah had duty for us woman already.
So Men are appointed to lead,not because of gender but because of fairness.
What else would Men do in this world?
And have u ever wonder why Allah letak syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu n not ayah?
3. A men is not capable to know exactly how it feels to give birth.The physical and spiritual part of is a journey no men can encounter EVER.
But a journey of a leader?
It needs traits of the right "attitude" not chromosoms to work.
Its not based on gender.
Its based on ability of mind,knowledge and will.
In which,i cant simply just accept that it all based entirely on gender and gender alone?
And finally,you quote me wrong.
"real leader believes everyone is a leader in their own "Territory"
u miss the territory part.
what i mean,
we have the ability to be leaders only the territory are different due to different limitations.
eg: makcik jual nasi lemak.i think she's a leader,coz she serves with the best way a seller of nasi lemak can do.coz of her,many of us,experience one of many nikmat which served at the highest quality possible.
eg: pakcik potong pokok dekat Shell near my hse. he brings his kids to work.even if its not an office.
but i saw him doing his work with a smile on his face and doing it well,even his kids helped him. he smiled at people yg tgh isi minyak and continue to do his work dgn tekun.
i think thts a leader.
eg: a chinese guy,once give me a free MCD coupon,coz he felt tht the guy infront of me who cuts the line is being unfair to me and yet i simply dont mind the rudeness and smiled.
i think tht chinese guy is a leader.
eg: n a country with a great leader who have slackers and violent seeker citizens,doenst count.
coz its the people not one person.
my point is just to say,leaders dont walk alone.No one man lead, and the rest follows blindly.
Real Leaders have leaders accompanied them.Some people have more abilities than others.
but others too,have some of the abilities only limited.
as for your MR.Bean?
hehe..he's unique.
and he might not be a leader of a country,but he pretty much succeeded in showing jerks are worst than being a unique individual who live life as simplest as he can and yet feels fullfilled.
Plus,Mr Bean is an act.
A symbolic artistic expression of human perception.
Not an ability.
So i think its ridiculous, to say that leaders are born.
Leaders are made.
Its harsh to label woman CAN'T lead.
Lead is an abstract word.
Its not definite.
I guess if men take the time to think what should be done to be a leader rather than its all there already just take the title.
The word leader might get its justification it deserves.
as for me,personally,as a woman,i love to see men in action..leading..it makes our life easier ">
but insipiration,i need more than a gender to look up to.
tht was fun.hehe..
cant wait to read ur feedback..haha..if u do decide to anyway.
At 1:38 AM ,
vCoke said...
I didn't notice your feedback at first, and i dont know why there is no email notification send to me. However, let me read it 1st.hmmm.... u make me think a bit and .....here's my feedback.
Hmm, i'm not saying that all tht you've wrote above is wrong and neither is right. but
"And you all simply do is agreeing without thinking..what it really meant"...
Hehehe, u talk about "man lead the family in islam". Yes2, wht u wrote maybe right. if you want go deep about it, answer my question below and i think you got my point:
1) Who is Allah created 1st, Adam or Hawa?
2) What is the purpose of Adam in this world and what is Hawa role?
And by the way, again, "the end that justify the meaning".You can name all women that you think is a leader but as you said Is it in the "quality leader" group. From that I make my conclusion that women can't lead.
At 7:11 PM ,
Passionnista said...
hahaha...right back at ya...
td lepas beraya wit u guyz kt umah fiza,bru i teringat our debate.tu pun after berborak ngan tinie..haha..
so i bru baca la ni.
jap..kena pk ni.
1)question 1
you ask me "WHO" SO the answer is Hawa
2)purpose of adam n hawa?
kan i dh explain kt atas.
here i repaste
"2. Why 'Men' stated to lead?
Allah is all about Fair.
There is no way he would put another Big Duty alongside giving birth.
It isn't humanly impossible for Allah to state men/woman can lead,but to be fair.Allah had duty for us woman already.
So Men are appointed to lead,not because of gender but because of fairness.
What else would Men do in this world?
And have u ever wonder why Allah letak syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu n not ayah?"
here i rephrase
hawa duty mengembangkan zuriat.
my point is..Allah dh beri leadership role tu automatically as soon as u r a woman n if are able to give birth.
(mind u tht some woman cannot)
so let me ask u this.
if Allah takdirkan the Woman cant give birth.
Tell me,Whats her role then???
when the Role YOU think Allah fix for us, is taken away by Allah sendiri.
2. Yes, Quality.
name me any leader nowadays who have perfect quality?
Some qualities n flaws,yes.
Even all the nabi right up until Muhamad.
My point..Quality Leader can be made.
Because being a Leader is about FAIRNESS not RIGHTS.
sbb ape i sentuh pasal syurga di tapak kaki ibu.
cause..that is our goal in life.
they did not put it under a Quality Leader Men,even Muhamad's feet.
Cause woman who become a good leader and also a mother at the same time (in context towards her own children).
Deserve this acknowledgment.
You cant raise a quality child without being a leader n role model.
father and mother dua dua kena.
Let's see..mana lg susah nk lead.
children are followers yg bermula dr zero.anything we teach,they ikut.
to me, ni lg berat.
sbb its 100% on your shoulder.
but men are followers who can think,have brains.whatever we teach,they can think about it,look for guidance n make a choice.
so its not 100% on the leader's shoulder.
Muhamad was the perfect pesuruh Allah.
but see how some muslims nowadays?
so golongan hawa yg ada anak2,adalah leader juga.
soleh anak2 tu..a quality leader lah she is.
so woman can be a quality leader,have the right and are perfectly capable of handling the job.perhaps differently, but hey,all leaders have their ways.
At 12:14 AM ,
vCoke said...
Yo capulets,
Anwser no1 = wrong...
Answer no 2 = Hampir tepat, but tersasar... purpose of Adam been created, to be a khalifah on earth. after a few while, Allah decide to create Hawa, to accompany Adam.
I think you the rest of the story.. so from my answer to my own question, i think u get what i mean.
ps/: kasik mail le gambar.
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